
Unlocking the power of keywords
Hannah Hearne Hannah Hearne

Unlocking the power of keywords

Keywords are the words or phrases that people type into search engines, like Google, to find what they're looking for. They're the secret to how your content, website, or social media posts get discovered.

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Why you need a social media strategy
Hannah Hearne Hannah Hearne

Why you need a social media strategy

You may think that a social media strategy is only needed if you are a large business, but I am sorry to tell you but you are wrong.

A social media strategy is essential for a number of reasons. You need to be posting with purpose, rather than for the sake of it with no clear direction. A strategy helps you to keep that focus.

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Why you should be posting Reels
Hannah Hearne Hannah Hearne

Why you should be posting Reels

Like it or not Instagram isn’t just a photo-sharing app any more. Meta have been clear that video is the future of the platform and it is currently all about the Reel.

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